Healing with San Pedro



  • After my ceremony, I felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I was able to let go of past traumas that I didn’t even realize were holding me back. My relationships have improved, and I’ve found a new zest for life.

    Sarah S.

  • The insights I gained during my San Pedro journey were nothing short of revolutionary for me. I saw my life from a new perspective and made changes that have led to incredible personal and professional growth.

    Jen G.

  • I’ve never felt so connected to the world around me. I came out of the ceremony with a profound sense of peace and a deep appreciation for the beauty of life. It’s as if I was seeing the world in color for the first time.

    Justin F.

  • My journey was both challenging and incredibly healing. I encountered my fears and insecurities, but I was surrounded by love and support every step of the way. I feel reborn, ready to live my life to the fullest.

    Thomas V.

Transform Your Life: Discover the Healing Effects of a San Pedro Plant Ceremony

In a world clamoring for genuine transformation and profound healing, the ancient wisdom of the San Pedro plant stands as a beacon of hope. Our meticulously crafted San Pedro Plant Ceremony is more than an experience; it’s a journey to the core of your being, promising a revitalization of mind, body, and spirit that’s both rare and deeply needed in our times.

The San Pedro Plant Ceremony is not just a process; it’s a profound experience that has the potential to initiate significant transformation in one’s life. Here’s a deeper look into the powerful healing effects and transformative experiences reported by participants:

Deep Emotional Release and Healing: Many who partake in the ceremony find themselves able to access and release deep-seated emotional wounds that have been affecting their lives for years. This cathartic release can lead to significant improvements in mental health, including reductions in symptoms of depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Participants often describe feeling lighter, more open, and freed from the burdens of past traumas.

Enhanced Self-Awareness and Insight: The San Pedro experience is renowned for providing profound insights into one’s life, behaviors, patterns, and relationships. This heightened self-awareness can be the catalyst for powerful change, helping individuals to understand their true desires, identify their blockages, and make more aligned choices moving forward.

Renewed Connection to Nature and the Universe: Participants frequently report feeling a deepened connection to the natural world and a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of all life. This renewed sense of unity can lead to lasting changes in one’s outlook on life, fostering a more compassionate, empathetic, and mindful approach to living.

Spiritual Awakening and Growth: For many, the ceremony is a spiritual milestone, offering experiences of profound transcendence, enlightenment, and connection with a higher power or deeper reality. This spiritual awakening can alter one’s perception of existence, leading to greater peace, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose.

Physical Healing and Rejuvenation: While the primary benefits are often psychological and spiritual, participants also report physical improvements. The cleansing properties of the San Pedro plant are said to detoxify the body, boost immune function, and enhance overall vitality. Some have reported improvements in chronic conditions, though these effects can vary widely.

Embark on a Journey of Healing and Discovery

Choosing to participate in a San Pedro Plant Ceremony with us means embarking on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and transformation. It’s an opportunity to confront and release the blockages that hold you back, to connect deeply with your inner self and the world around you, and to step into a life marked by greater joy, clarity, and purpose.

Don’t let another day pass in the shadow of the person you were meant to be. Contact us today to begin your journey toward healing and transformation. Together, we can unlock the doors to a brighter, more vibrant life.


WHEN: Saturday, May 11, 2024.
WHERE: Orange County, CA
START TIME: 10:00am day of ceremony.
END TIME:  Next morning (around 11am)


  • It is a day & night of sacred ceremony, guided meditations and vision quests, inward journeys, and connection with earth.

  • It can be a beautiful, gentle, but a profound way to enter into your deeper consciousness and connect with life in all its forms.

  • The journey you have depends upon your own intentions, desires, and commitment to the process.

  • Most importantly, your experience is often a direct reflection of your own ability to get out of your head, be in stillness, and listen to what your heart and Soul want to communicate.

  • You must be prepared to “do your own work”.

  • There will be time in circle, time to share insights and experiences, and also time for you to be on your own.

Like all spiritual journeys, a person must be willing to dive in and look at what’s present for them in their life. If you’re willing to ask the questions, San Pedro can provide the answers.

INVESTMENT: $650/person


  • Plant medicine

  • Support during your journey

  • 1-on-1 energy work & clearing, as needed

  • Afternoon snacks 

  • Dinner that evening

  • Breakfast the next morning

    Space is LIMITED to the first 5 participants!

    Strongly recommend overnight stay at the ceremonial location to keep integrity of ceremonial space. 
    You will need a sleeping bag/blanket/pillow. 

NEXT CEREMONIES: May 18, 2024 and June 1, 2024